Sunday, October 18, 2009


Dear anonymous commentators of my last two posts - Thank you!

Anonymous commentator of the post “untitled....”you have hit the nail on the head!! I agree completely that nomenclature becomes redundant if we make sure that virtual space is not derogatory. In the same vein, i would agree with manasi that a demasculisation of the space is necessary, but only that. not a feminisation, because the way i see it, if we can attempt a demasculinisation, we are already attempting to create a de-gendered space.

Anonymous commentator of the cartoon... you have drawn attention to precisely that which i wanted to flag.... the way we negotiate our relationships in the cyberspace are so entirely different! As manasi was pointing out, it offers us soooooooooo many possibilities! we can create new selves and live on! I would call that potential. I would rather not call it threat, because am not able to say exactly what it would threaten. To couch it in the language of threat would be to think about this medium also in the same vein all media, right from the print media, were thought of in their initial years.

It is all about how we negotiate ourselves – our identities and our relationships in the cyberspace... not about how the cyberspace manipulates us.. that is to attribute too little agency to ourselves.

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