Saturday, October 17, 2009


  1. I really like this - it reflects the fascinatingly public ways in which people perform relationships on networking sites. I like to think it also reflects the ways in which reality shows have somehow viscerally gotten under our skins... The lines between notions of public and private (always contested and grey) blur in new ways...

  2. How telling! Lasting relationships, be it friendship or life-long partnerhip, are not built on the few lines exchanged every now and then on the net. It is about being there for each other at all times, good and bad, it is about tolerance, caring, sharing, patience, understanding the other person's point of view even if you do not agree with it and learning to live that view and so much, much more - the journey of 'living your life together' that you cannot ever do over the cyber space. So sad that we are being drawn more and more into this shallow, superficial world of virtual relationships that we are growing farther and farther away from the most important aspect of a relationship , namely 'physical contact', and in the process losing the ability of being able to or even the 'willingness' to handle 'actual' relationship on a long-term basis in the real world.

  3. hahhaa... i love this one!
    I think i remember my friend saying something similar about a boy she met and started dating through orkut..

  4. Agree whole heartedly with Anonymous 2 - the 'physical interaction' blog...all for it :)
